Children's Team

About Us
We created our first production back in 2008 in a small studio on Discovery Bay with a young cast of just twenty students, many of whom had never been onstage before. We began to put on shows!
I quickly realised young people will plateau in their learning if they are not challenged; we were making small shows, great shows but they weren’t challenging enough or reaching a big enough audience. So, in 2016 with a tiny budget, we set out to create our first large show; our Semi-Professional Children's Team was born.
Since then, we have grown into an organisation recognised by schools all over Hong Kong. Twice per year our team perform to over 1000 school children, offering some of our audience their very first theatre show; we continue to grow and offer high quality, exciting theatre experiences for our audiences. We’ve grown a lot!
Staff & creators are experts in their field and treat the young performers as though they were in a professional setting. The workshops are challenging, we work for the good of the show and we have no ‘drama queens’. Being able to take the knocks, dust yourself off and try again are the best way we learn.
Rehearsals are long, parents are patient and supportive and we laugh and cry together. This is the only way we can make theatre, from the heart!
How Do I Join?

All members audition to be part of the company. We invest a lot of time training our team so we welcome new members who wish to join for the long term. Unfortunately, members cannot join for just one show.
To our audition our younger members (Minis age 7-11) are required to have
experience in one discipline; Acting, Singing or Dancing, older members (Elites age 12-16) are required to have experience in 2 disciplines. Auditionees are not required to prepare any material, just turn up ready to play and improvise; learn some new skills and bring a positive attitude.
Currently we have an extensive waiting list. If you wish to be added to this list, please drop us a message.
“I quickly realised young people will plateau in their learning if they are not challenged. Rehearsals are long, parents are patient & supportive and we laugh and cry together. This is the only way we can make theatre, from the heart!"